There are very few rules at Hollies. This ensures you enjoy your day without undue hassle. We welcome feedback and can be flexible, so if you have any queries relating to the rules
please let us know. There are no exceptions for anyone, the rules apply equally to all fishermen. If you have any issues or questions regarding the rules please ask.
1. All anglers must sign in on arrival stating name, registration number and ticket type. It is advisable to also include mobile number in case you leave anything behind. It happens more
frequently than you think. Unclaimed lost items will be kept for a maximum of three months.
2. All anglers must pay using the envelopes provided BEFORE commencing fishing. Envelopes are to be posted in the red GPO postbox. Cheques are payable to Hollies trout farm. Prices are as published
on payment envelope and this website only. There are no other ticket options.
3. Strictly fly only, single hook and less than two and a half inches. Droppers allowed. No snakes, doubles, spinners etc. Anyone found baiting the water or using bait will immediately be
ejected from the fishery.
4. On reaching your limit please ensure any additional ticket is purchased before restarting fishing. The recent introduction of catch and return should make things easier and anglers take home only
the fish they want.
5. Tickets are non-transferrable, STRICTLY NO BAG OR LIMIT SHARING. We encourage juniors and adults may share a rod with a child under 12 years. Please inform us first.
6. STRICTLY NO SELECTIVE CATCH AND RELEASE when fishing catch and kill. All fish considered too small to be killed and presented to fishery staff.
7. ALL LITTER including discarded line and cigarette ends MUST be removed from the banks before leaving. Please place in bin provided.
8. No vegetation to be trimmed or damaged in any way. Breaking of branches or tree limbs to retrieve flies will result in immediate ejection from the fishery.
9. Anglers must sign out recording ALL catches including nil returns. This seems trivial but it ensures we know what has been caught so ensuring good fishing.
10. When fishing catch and release, barbs must be removed or pushed down. Anyone caught damaging fish when fishing catch and release will be charged for the fish asked to leave.
Please unhook fish in the landing net, waiting for the fish to stop moving. Unhook in the net preferably in the water but if not able to do so, place fish and net on the grass. Using forceps
carefeully unhook and without removing fish from the net and place in water. Slowly allow the fish to cycle water through its gills and gently agitate the net keeping fish up right where possible
using the net. The fish should revive, release when it is strong enough.
11. Any equipment or clothing left behind will be held six months only then disposed of.
12. No fish gutting or filleting by fishermen on site.
Failure to adhere to the rules may result in a higher ticket price being charged or ejection from the fishery.